Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hip Hop what is it? How did it start? What do you think when some one says “ I LOVE HIP HOP”. RAP, DJ’s, Breakers and dancers? Hip Hop is not a genre or music style but rather a way to express your self and a life style.

For many, Hip-Hop is an outlet, a paradise that makes you feel in control. Control of the time at hand whether it is writing rhythms, spinning decks or even jamming to your favourite beats, but the main misconception of hip hop is what it is about. Through out time the media portrayed Hip Hop as a music genre which is associated with rap, however that is not the case. The great Grand Master Flash is the perfect example of this by playing “Smells like teen spirit” by Nirvana in his recent performance in Melbourne. He incorporated all music genre and still called it Hip Hop.

This way of life has now evolved into something in which people can create a future for themselves doing something they love. Hip Hop does not convey its daily influences in society, not the whole loose clothing and slang, but rather the actions of the individuals involved who love this culture to help it them and the culture advance in the future

The main reason for its birth is it is a way for an individual to express themselves without the fear of being criticized. Where it stops is infinite and knows no limits Art, Music, Graffiti, Dance, Rock and the list goes on.

Even writing this piece is a way of self expression because I am trying to show the world that Hip Hop is here in AUS and will forever stay. Do not judge so quickly and think you know because most of the time you don’t. The true essence of hip Hop is self expression and being open minded and having respect for the individuals self expression. We are proud that we love Hip Hop because it brings some sort of happiness for us in our lives. Give it the respect that is needed so we are all able to cultivate the essence of Hip Hop.

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